Dealing with drywall mold in St Petersburg FL can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t know where to start. It’s important for homeowners to understand the many benefits of hiring a professional drywall company when it comes to removing mold from your home.
Drywall mold is sneaky and can grow when you least expect it. If you see any signs of drywall mold or mildew at your home, call the pros!
Not only will this save you time and money, but it will also ensure that the job is done right!
Here are five tips for dealing with drywall mold in St Petersburg FL! Read on below and see what to expect from a drywall contractor.
Table of Contents
Toggle1) Call a Drywall Professional in St Petersburg
When you see drywall mold or mildew in your home, it’s essential to act quickly! That means calling a professional. Drywall contractors know the best methods for removing this pesky substance and have all of the tools required.
Drywall experts can do a test on some hidden areas before they start so that you’re not guessing. They’ll also make sure to prepare your home for clean-up and disinfecting after the mold is gone, which will help keep it from coming back!
2) Locate the Source of the Drywall Mold
Locating the source of drywall mold can be difficult, especially if you’re not a pro.
If your home has more than one bathroom or kitchen, it’s essential to check all of them for signs of this stuff! To find out which rooms could house drywall mold, look at areas near water heaters or humidifiers.
They may also hide behind cabinets or under floorboards in unfinished basements. Staying on top of removing these sources will help keep future outbreaks from happening!
3) Choose a Cleaning Agent to Use
First, it is vital to identify the type and extent of your drywall mold problem.
If mildew or algae has taken hold on the walls, then you may need products like bleach solutions, vinegar cleaner, chlorine-based cleaners, or potassium permanganate spray.
These agents have high degrees of efficacy against greenish molds (as opposed to black).
4) Remove the Drywall Mold
To clean drywall mold up, mix your cleaning agent solution and scrub the area with a bristle brush until you don’t see any more mold.
Once all of that nasty stuff has been removed from sight (and smell), take care to dry out any wet areas so they won’t invite more growth in the future!
5) Replace the Drywall
Getting rid of mold on unfinished or unpainted drywall can be difficult. Mold has a knack for being persistent and creeping deeper into the material.
So, you’ll need to call in a drywall expert who will replace the ruined section of your drywall. This will save you from more drywall mold damage.
Contact Us Now
Do you need drywall repair or fresh installation? Call in the experts now!
Contact Skywall Drywall Repair @ (727) 248-0108 to get drywall professionals in St Petersburg FL to remove drywall mold from your home!